Filter and transform series

Download a table with one or many series

ids parameter allows querying up to 40 series simultaneously, separated by commas.

Filtering by dates

start_date and end_date parameters allow limiting a query to a particular range in time.

Changing temporal aggregation

By default, all series are shown in the highest possible frequency (this is, the lowest frequency between all the series in the query). collapse parameter allows to choose a lower frequency than this one.

Changing temporal aggregation function

By default, when the API calculates temporal aggregations (ie. converting a monthly series into a quarterly one) it does an average of series values in each period.

This function of aggregation can be changed for all the series in the query using collapse_aggregation parameter, or to any individual series without affecting the others (sum, max, min, etc.).

Apply transformations

Series can be transformed into different units (percentage variation, year-to-year variation, etc.) individually or for all the query, using representation_mode parameter.

Apply transformations and changing the temporal aggregation function in individual series, at the same time

It is possible to apply both a transformation and a temporal aggregation function to any particular series.

In any case, the API will always apply first the temporal aggregation function and then the transformation.